Monday, August 19, 2013

Do I have my Happily Ever After?

     We had some friends over the other night, and they brought some "I love you more than..." books that they make for each other each year.  I thought it was pretty awesome!  As I was going about my day today, I had some sad news from the eye doctor today.  He basically told me that if I don't start letting my eyes take a break from my contacts more than a day or two every 3-6 months I will be BANNED from wearing my contacts for ever more!  OH MY GOODNESS!!!  That can NEVER happen.  EVER!  I love my contacts so much that I cannot live my life without them.  I had "the pink eye" last week, right after I put my LAST pair of contacts in.  So, my years supply of contacts lasted me since EmmaLei was one and half years old...she is now six and half.  Yes, I know this is bad for my eyes and blah blah blah.... I did what I had to.  Well, since "the pink eye" wasted my last pair of contacts, I decided I needed to visit the Eye Doctor whether I had the money or not.  The oh so dreaded eye doctor. 

     During my appointment, he lectured me.  Oh yes, the lecturing was great.  He told me that if I continued to do what I was doing I would be blind VERY soon.  I must take out my contacts every night... which, I probably still wont do, but I came up with a plan for me... which is better than what I have been doing and will eventually make it easier to do what I am suppose to do.  I will take my contacts out every week. I will leave them out for two days.  Friday, Saturday and then, just for church, I can wear my contacts again.  This is better than what I was doing. 

     I do have to get myself a new pair of glasses.  Luckily, I look ok with them.  I know, I know, I keep going on and on about my contacts and glasses and the visit, so, I will say this: 

     "We all search for happiness, and we all try to find our own "Happily ever after".  All you have to do is trust your Heavenly Father.  Trust Him enough to follow His plan." ~~Dieter F. Uchtdorf.

     I keep looking and trying to find my own happiness, but what if it is right in front of me... What if?  With the "I love you more than..." books we were shown, I realized... I love my husband more than... Hmmm, MORE THAN WHAT!!! 

     My husband read a book about love languages.  His is language/words and mine is service.  What we have learned though is this:  I don't need to hear that "I love you" all the time.  Maybe once a day or even a couple times a week and I'm good.  I serve people to show them that I love them.  My husband on the other hand, he needs the "I love you" every 20 minutes or round abouts that time.  I feel SO uncomfortable saying those 3 words to anyone.. my parents, siblings or even my spouse.  I DO NOT have a problem saying it a couple times a day to my kids.  I do, however serve them constantly.  I am always doing something for them.  I love them so much.  I'm not saying I don't love my husband, but he is "old" enough to know the difference of me serving him to say "I love you" or if I actually say it to him... or I should hope.   But anyway, I serve people to show them that I love them.  It might be me grabbing a soda for the Hubs while I'm out or fixing something of his or what ever he needs done I would do it for him, or making a special meal for him.

     Well, as I am looking and searching high and low for my "Happily ever After"... guess what: it IS right in front of me.  I have allowed myself recently to trust my Heavenly Father in HIS plan.  I am slowly, very slowly but surely coming around to the idea that I make what I have... whether its good or the bad.  I can CHOOSE how my attitude will be on the situations.  So, it hit me like a ton of bricks the other night that... "you know what, I can tell the hubs how I feel about him. "  it will be in my own way, but I will feel comfortable doing it.  It may seem silly, but today, I texted the hubs (the easiest form of communicating for me) today, while I was on my way to the Eye Doctor.  I was sitting at a light... so I wasn't texting and driving.  But, I went out of my way to send him "I love you more than wearing my contacts."  <3  We all know how much I love wearing my contacts. (Right?!)

     If I can keep up with the "good" words instead of the bad and mean words (other than game night, cuz we all know those don't count) then, I can have my happily ever after, and I will have trusted in Heavenly Father and know that I am to be where I am right now, with who I am with and experiencing what I am experiencing right now!  I am thankful that I am able to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost!  My life, and my families life will be ever blessed for the softening of my heart the last few years. 

     I do know that we need to trust Heavenly Father.  He knows what is best for us, when it is best for us, and how it will work out.  It is all a learning process, and we will, in the hereafter, see the Big Picture! 


  1. You are SO cute!! And game night SO does NOT count!! but what the heck....other friends?? ;) j/k love you girly! I think that you should not go blind!! Take care of yourself!

  2. I love this. So cute! You truly are such a loving and kind individual. Your charity warms many hearts.
