Saturday, July 27, 2013

The "back story"!

As I am thinking about the last few years, well, since EmmaLei has been born, it has been an interesting journey.  I was sick before I got pregnant with her, during pregnancy and after.  I thought the nausea and vomiting would end after pregnancy, but it didn't.  Everything that has happened to my body I can date back to around that time.  I love that little girl with all my heart!  I would not EVER trade perfect health for her.  As much as I am in pain right now, I know she was made for this family, for me.  I have had a lot of time to think about things recently, due to the fact that I cant move very well.  I went Gluten free about 3 years ago.  At the time I went gluten free I was on a lot of Prescription Meds.  Depakote, Zoloft, Thyroid Medication, Acid reducer, plus Tums to follow that up.  There was also all the pain medication and nausea medication I was taking on a regular basic.  Phenergan was a common med I was taking to keep food down. Even after I was not pregnant I was vomiting on a regular basis...and to that I didn't know why until I went Gluten Free.  I was also taking Benadryl and Melatonin every night to help me sleep along with Tylenol and Advil.  As I am looking back on this, I am VERY surprised I had not overdosed or mixed to many meds together for a deathly fate.  once I went G.F. within a couple months I was able to go off ALL my medications.  The medications I was on were treating me for an illness called Cyclothymia. For those of you that don't know what this illness is, it is a form of Bi-polar.  Its instead of the low lows and high highs that are days or months long, it is the quick mood changes within seconds or minutes.  The Depakote and Zoloft were mood stabilizers.  I was maxed out on both meds.  If I forgot to take meds, it was a disaster of a day.  When I cut gluten out of my diet, I not only found out I was allergic to it, but it effected every aspect of my life.  All my migraines, muscle pains, joint pain, back pain, stomach pain, vomiting, sleep patterns and lack of sleep and my mood was all effected by gluten.  All of it.  I was so excited to find out how well I was doing without eating gluten.  It was terribly difficult to figure out what I could and couldn't eat, and the dining out had to be halted sadly.  Since  EmmaLei was born, I have also found out that I have arthritis and degenerative discs in my back.   I also have arthritis in my knees.  I was almost pain free after I went Gluten free.  I was no longer on any pain meds either prescription or OTC.  I wasn't needing acid reducer or any aid to sleep.  the transformation  my body took was amazing.  there was also the small benefit of losing weight added to the side effects of going gluten free.  I had not felt so good in so long I didn't know what it was like anymore until I realized it was Gluten causing my ailments.  I really thought that my working all day everyday was causing all of my pain.  When, in fact, it only contributed to a minor part of it. 

There will be more, but for another day.  :)

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