Monday, July 29, 2013

Am I a Super?!?

As I sit here, I can barely move.  Sometimes I really think its in my head, but then I move my pinky toe and I find out it isn't.  I just want someone to swoop in here and make everything the way it use to be.  I use to be super-mom/wife/childcare provider/friend.  As I am contemplating my evening plans, I will be going to bed.  Probably as soon as all the kids leave to go home.  I hope I can muster enough energy to make the kids dinner, which, if we had any, I would totally make them make their own leftovers.  As it is, we don't have any leftovers or really anything else to make unless I actually pull out a pan and make dinner.  We have a couple cans of tuna and some p.b. and j.  That might actually be for dinner, now that I think about it.  Every muscle in my body is screaming at me today.  Muscles that don't usually hurt are really telling me to stop whatever I am doing and do not move.  This has got to be the most frustrating thing I have to deal with.  The mind is willing but the body is not.  I have a list a mile long of things that need to be done: grocery shopping, school shopping, supplies shopping for daycare (a lot of shopping), then there is the laundry, dishes, mopping, sweeping, carpet cleaning, garage cleaning, pulling out a tree and 2 bushes, all my motherly duties, church duties <--luckily they aren't to difficult, cleaning out the car, taking the plastic bags collection from the rummage sale to be recycled, oh and the toy room that I began re-painting almost a year ago STILL needs finished, then there is dinner to made and my working all day on top of it all.  My brain is continually wanting and needing to get these things done, but any of it is yet to be fulfilled.  I remember 2 years ago if I wanted to do something, I would just do it.  I wouldn't have to wait for anyone to help me or do it for me.  In a way I feel absolutely worthless to people and today I feel completely incapable of doing anything functional.  I do not know how to over-come the weakness that have overcome me.  I feel lazy, however, lazy is NOT my problem.  The problem lays in the fact that moving is not an option. There are good days and there are bad days.  I have not known a good a day for over a week now, more like two weeks.  I am hoping that my children will not think I am a terrible mother for not caring for them the way I think they should be cared for.  I want to be the kind of mother that my kids will remember all the fun times we had together not the kind of mom that was a lousy mom.  Anymore I am the mom that sleeps the whole time she isn't working, and the kind of mom that doesn't want to take the kids to the park anymore because we would have to leave the house and walk outside and exert more energy I have.  I want them to love their childhood and be grateful for the lessons they learned before mom got sick.  I am forever grateful for Allyson and the responsibilities she has taken on.  She is truly a special child and I could not live without her.  She takes such good care of her sister, without even knowing it sometimes.  Getting her breakfast, making her a snack or lunch.  She is a talented child!!  There is a reason for all trials and I sure hope I can find the reason for this one.  I want to be able to be independent again and not rely on everyone else for the regular day to day things.  I want to be super-mom/wife/childcare provider/friend again.


  1. Amy, I can promise you that your girls know how much you love them and they know that you are an amazing! mother!! Times are tough right now but they will get better and they will look back on their lives and know that they had a great childhood and that you were amazing and taught them everything they needed to know! Don't doubt yourself because you are doing great. Every mother doubts and goes through tough times like this and I know it is more tough because you are constantly in pain and I wish I could help you in some way! I sure love you and hope you know that I am so grateful to have you in my life!!

  2. Jake was 3 on the day that I went to bed as superwoman and woke up a speedbump. I felt EXACTLY the same way you do now. I didn't want to be the "sick mom". I banged my head against that feeling of wanting to go back to the way I was for a REALLY long time. (OK, honestly, I still kinda do BUT I'm working on it.) But that's when I really started learning the principle of GRACE. We just need to do what we can do and through grace, the Lord fills in the gaps. For some reason, instead of learning mad quarterbacking skills from me (which I totally could teach them about), Heavenly Father needs my kids to learn empathy and patience. He can't teach those around us what they need to know until He gets me out of the way, because if it's left to me, I will just handle all the hard stuff so no one will have to deal with anything difficult...and you, sweet Amy, are no different in that regard. One thing I know FOR SURE is that I get to deal with this fun fibro/lupus gig so that I can help others deal with should take advantage of that. :)
    OH, and by the way, when it comes to teaching RS, I only know of one teacher who used the term "Nepharts" in their lesson, so I'm pretty sure that I win the "most disastrous lesson" award.
